Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Commercialisation, Transformation, Governance, Data Science and Marketing

Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Commercialisation, Transformation, Governance, Data Science and Marketing

Hearnshaw has been successfully servicing clients since 2002, although its history goes back a lot further...
After a career in defence intelligence followed by a successful corporate career, Nigel Hennessy set about forming a business vehicle that would use the skills and capabilities he had collected during his successful career in business leadership and as an entrepreneur. What developed is a unique corporate advisory firm in transformation and innovation flowing through to board governance. The application of skills is able to relate across the spectrum of corporations and projects ranging from pure research and start-ups through to major international listed entities.
- THINK TANKThoughts, musings, and ruminations.20 de junio de 2018 · Entrepreneurship,Commercialisation,director,board,Digital TransformatiRead more...Discussion: The boardroom is not generally associated as the nerve centre of entrepreneurism within a company; particularly a company trading on the ASX. The role of the typical director is more about audit, risk reviews and compliance and see ‘entrepreneurship’ as a risk element and as such not...26 de noviembre de 2018Read more...The following article was written by Nigel and was first published by the Australian Institute of Company Directors (AICD) in 2003. It has been copied dozens of times and I thought it was worth re-publishing it on my website. Firstly a short story… A mouse lived in a small house in India...26 de julio de 2018Read more...Michael Porter has been one of the most prolific creators of business model analysis tools over the past 40 years or so. I am sure many of us have studied the Porter Five Forces or Porters Theory of Competitive Advantage in MBA’s or marketing degrees. However compelling and sensible these models...
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